Reunion News

Paxon High School Class of 1971 -45th Reunion
Put This on Your Calendar!  Our reunion is set for July 22-23, 2016

WE CANNOT GO IT ALONE FOLKS!    Please get serious about attending and tell all of your Paxon '71 friends! 

July 22-23, 2016- CLASS OF 1971 REUNION.. Put this on your Calendar!

If you're worried about being too:

-old.... We're all in this together... We're all graduates of 1971!

-gray-  Get some color on your hair!

-wrinkled- Get Botox or just come and look like the rest of us!(Botox was not invented when we were in high school!)

-fat-  go to a "fat farm", or go on a diet or come as you are!  No one will recognize you anyhow! Who cares!

or whatever your problem... GET OVER IT and just come!  We want this to be the biggest reunion that we've had.  Okay...???? Just put the date on your calendar.  Get a buddy to come with you. Bring someone.... 'Bottom line.... JUST PLAN TO BE THERE!