Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Golden Eagle-Our Mascot

The golden eagle has been a gem among species in North America for many years.  It is a strikingly beautiful animal with fabulous sweeping feathers, a golden tipped neck and strong and powerful talons.

To the Paxon High School student, it was our mascot and we loved the golden eagle!

Our  school mascot,  represented to us the soaring and powerful animal with beautiful plumage and strong and snatching talons.    It was worn on t-shirts, sweat shirts and we carried it in our hands, on our folders and loved it's images in our year books.

The golden eagle has the ability to be agile,  fly with power and soar with beauty.  It is like our class of 1971.... strong, agile, resiliant, powerful and one of beauty.

Why You SHOULD Come To The High School Reunion

Many times, people choose not to come to the high school reunion.  There are a variety of reasons for not going.  Sometimes they feel no one will care if they are there or not. Other times, they remember feeling  shy in high school and those feelings of timidity return and they are  not willing to deal with them.  Relationships sometimes cause people to avoid high school reunions because they did not keep in touch and therefore have concerns about renewing the past.   Even current feelings of inadequacy such as being too old, too shy too fat, too skinny or too quiet may cause a person to hesitate about going to the reunion.

Well, the truth is that "SOMEONE" at that reunion wants to see YOU and if you're not there, they will ask if you've been seen or what you're doing.  You impacted the life of many people that you do not even realize and those people are worth your time.  They are looking for you.  You matter to them. They cared about you 40 years ago and they care about you today.

Sometimes, its important to just show up to events like this.   You'll be pleasantly surprised at who you meet and the conversations that will take place.

So, come to the reunion.  Many, many people will be there and a lot will be looking forward to seeing you!

Here is the registration form... Click and mail. It's easy!  Deadline is May 1, 2016

1971 Grad...Is Retirement for You?

There are many important things to consider when you talk about retiring and as a 1971 high school graduate, you may be thinking seriously about this big step.

The most important thing regarding retirement is health and of course,  "MONEY".  Can you retire is the big question?  At this juncture in your life, you've spent a whole lifetime working, hopefully saving and looking forward to that day that you can kick back, put your feet up and/or go on vacation without worrying about the job.

You've been a hard worker.  You've spent time in a goal-oriented and career-focussed situation. You've shown yourself confident, independent and self-reliant and now, you want to retire.

Check out a number of things before you sign the dotted line.  Consider the following:

  • Health, wealth and wisdom
  • Retirement income and debt ratio
  • How will you pay insurance?
  • Is your house, car, RV, children's student loans, etc paid off?
  • What will you do?
  • What do you want to do?
  • Who will be impacted by your not working?
  • Could you do something to supplement your income if needed?
Retirement is an exciting time in one's life but if you're not ready, it could be of great concern.  Visit your financial consultant before signing off. It could make the difference in your happiness.

1971 Graduates Are Baby Boomers!

You certainly may know that you're a "baby boomer" but did you know that baby boomers, who are born between 1946 and 1964 have many strong and powerful characteristics?  Well,  rest assured because you're special!

Baby Boomer Characteristics:

  • well-established
  • hold positions of power and authority
  • are today's leaders, corporate executives, accountants, legal managers, teachers, and more
  • extremely hardworking
  • have a strong work ethic
  • care for the needy
  • work hard on the weekdays and play hard on the weekends
According to statistics 80 million boomers will leave the workplace in the next 10 years!  Employees are leaving the workplace at a rate of 8,000 a day.  

Paxon Graduates must think carefully about what is best for him or her so do your research so you'll be settled and in the right place at the right time.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What Are Your Memories from Paxon?

You know, we all have different memories.  Some of us played sports.  Some of us were on the academic teams and others were in clubs, the band, orchestra or in various unique places on campus.  What were your events?  What do you remember?  Who were your close buddies?  What funny things happened to you in high school?

We hope you will share some of your thoughts with us! ( Get permission from your BFF before posting for goodness sake!)

Who Are You? We Want To Know!

All Paxon Graduates of 1971...We want to know about you!  What are you doing?  Who are you?  What are your accomplishments, events, hobbies and more?  Our website is designed to have you tell us this and more.  We're asking you to actually take part and tell us things so we can show what a great class of 1971 we had....have!  So,  right now.... Give us your name and what you're doing!  Okay??? We'll be looking forward to hearing from you!  Use the comment section or visit our Facebook page.

Paxon Class of '71 First Post

Greetings to all Paxon High Graduates of 1971! This site is about Paxon High School Graduates of 1971 in Jacksonville, Florida.

We're excited to have our own blog and want to be able to share a variety of things with you.  Please check back often and we'll keep you up-to-date with all of our up and coming events!

Our School-  Paxon High School

The Current Name of the School-  Paxon  School for Advanced Studies

Our Colors-  Navy and Gold

Our Mascot- The Golden Eagle

The Current Address of the School- 3239 Norman E Thagard Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32254-1766
(Named in honor of astronaut,  Norman Thagard,  a graduate of Paxon High School).

The Current Phone Number of the School- Phone: (904) 693-7583 

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Welcome to the Paxon High School, Class  of 1971 website.  

Our "year" was a fine time in history.  Some say it "could" have been the beginning of the digital age because it was the time in which the microprocessor was invented!  At that time, we did not even care about the microprocessor!

A Few Facts:
  •  The cost of living in 1971 was at a yearly rate of 4.3%
  • The average cost of a house was only $25,000
  • An average income was a mere $10,600
  • It cost only $150.00 to rent a place
  • A gallon of gas cost  $.40
  • United States postage stamps cost $.08
  • Going to the movies cost only $1.50!
What a day in which we survived high school!  Here are some events that you might remember:

  • Walt Disney World opened in Florida in October!
  • The Vietnam war was ongoing
  • Greenpeace came into being
  • Federal Express was started by Fred Smith( Not from Paxon!)
  • The voting age was lowered to 18 when the 26th Amendment to the Consitution was ratified! We were only a year away from voting!
  • No more cigarette ads on television
Our Movies were:
  •  Love Story
  • Summer of '42
  • The French Connection
Popular Musicians and Music:

  • James Taylor
  • The Jackson 5
  • The Osmonds
  • John Lennon
  • Marvin Gaye
  • The Doors
  • The Who
  • Tony Orlando and Dawn
  • The Mama and the Papas
Television Programs that We Loved:
  •  Mary Tyler Moore
  • The Odd Couple 
  • The Partridge Family
  • All My Children
Other Interesting Facts:

  • It was the year of the first CAT scanner
  • Apollo 14 landed on the moon
  • The first soft contact lens become available
  • The first microprocessor is invented
  • Sharp invents a pocket calculator
  • The floppy disk is invented by IBM
  • The first email and ultimately "chat room" occurs
The President of the USA was Richard Nixon

(Appreciation to the people history-com for the above information).