Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why You SHOULD Come To The High School Reunion

Many times, people choose not to come to the high school reunion.  There are a variety of reasons for not going.  Sometimes they feel no one will care if they are there or not. Other times, they remember feeling  shy in high school and those feelings of timidity return and they are  not willing to deal with them.  Relationships sometimes cause people to avoid high school reunions because they did not keep in touch and therefore have concerns about renewing the past.   Even current feelings of inadequacy such as being too old, too shy too fat, too skinny or too quiet may cause a person to hesitate about going to the reunion.

Well, the truth is that "SOMEONE" at that reunion wants to see YOU and if you're not there, they will ask if you've been seen or what you're doing.  You impacted the life of many people that you do not even realize and those people are worth your time.  They are looking for you.  You matter to them. They cared about you 40 years ago and they care about you today.

Sometimes, its important to just show up to events like this.   You'll be pleasantly surprised at who you meet and the conversations that will take place.

So, come to the reunion.  Many, many people will be there and a lot will be looking forward to seeing you!

Here is the registration form... Click and mail. It's easy!  Deadline is May 1, 2016

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